Blog Post

Get Rid of Sore Eyes With Some Home Remedies

  • By jackadision
  • 18 Apr, 2017

Sore eye is the most irritating eye issue that makes your appearance quite dull. Sometimes, this is also known as conjunctivitis. This is the most widespread eye infection that affects from one person to another. This eye issue is an exceedingly contagious condition that generally takes place in the conjunctiva and in other parts of the eyeball as well. Once you get infected with this eye issue then the blood vessels in the eyes becomes dark and it gives you a reddish pink appearance.

There are several symptoms that can let you know that you will be soon get this eye issue. Some of the symptoms are:

  • Burning
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Gritty sensation
  • Discomfort
  • Pain
  • Photophobia
  • Eyelids stuck together after sleeping
  • Difficulty opening eyes after sleeping
  • Runny nose
  • Lymph glands
  • Watery discharge
  • Sore throat
  • Soreness

Home Remedies You Can Try To Get Rid of Sore Eyes

There are some home remedies that can help you fix sore eyes. Below are some remedies mentioned that will help you a lot in treating sore eye issue with an ease. Let us have a look at some home remedies to be applied easily:


  • Warm Compress: You can use a clean and warm compress on your eyes for about three to four times a days to get soothing effect.


  • Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe vera gel is quite beneficial for most eye ailments where sore eye is one of them. You can soak a clean piece of cloth in juice of aloe vera and then wipe your eyes with it.


  • Cucumber: You can use an eye pack that should be made with the chilled cucumber slices. This can be very beneficial for you.


  • Milk Wash: Sometimes it becomes quite important to wash your eyes with warm water or milk to get relief from sore eyes.


  • Cotton Balls: Other most important home remedy you can try to treat sore eyes is placing the cotton balls which are dipped in the rose water over the eyes for not more than twenty minutes. This will help you a lot in reducing eyelid inflammation as well.


  • Potato Juice: You can also try potato juice for curing sore eyes. You have to apply mixture of raw potato juice and one teaspoon of oil.


  • Coriander: Apart for the above remedies, you can also try coriander to treat sore eyes. You can make a decoction with the help of coriander and a little water and then you can use this decoction as an eye wash. It will also help a lot in relieving the burning sensation and pain in the eyes as well.



Getting rid of sore eyes becomes quite easy when you apply all these above mentioned home remedies. These home remedies are very easy to prepare and apply. These apply remedies do not take much time to show its positive results. To get rid of sore eyes, you can also try some natural treatments as well.


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