Blog Post

Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty To Reduce Eye Bags

  • By jackadision
  • 04 Oct, 2018
Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is the concept of operating the lower eyelid from the eyelid’s inside portion. It is a safe, precise, gentle and tissue-sparing procedure to make your eyelids more rejuvenated. Those people who contempt blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery for eye bags and lower eyelid laxity should once consider the benefits that are associated with this surgery as the transconjunctival approach used to offer different aesthetic and long-term functional benefits as compared to the traditional treatments or techniques.

When it comes to the procedure of the transconjuctival blepharoplasty, it instantly approaches the deep plane and it allows precise adjustments to the orbital fat. This eyelid surgery provides excellent access to the inferior fatty chambers and is cutaneous scar free. However, if you want to know more about transconjunctival eyelid surgery then you can look below:
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